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The Ultimate Solution for Professional Wedding Photographers

Deliver Images Faster, With More Consistency, and With Your Signature Style with WeEdit wedding photo editing services.

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Leading Wedding Photo Editing Services Company in India

For over 17 years WeEdit has been a trusted company for wedding and portrait photographers who are looking for customized and stylized wedding photography editing. Being available 24/7 and offering marriage photo editing at the fastest turnaround, our retouchers help with edits of any level, from culling to retouching.

Professional Wedding Photo Retouching

Wedding photographers work hard to take fabulous photos of a marriers, guests, ceremony, decorations, etc. but due to a tight schedule and numerous tasks, they can’t do without professional wedding editing assistance. That’s where Weedit.Photos appears on the stage, helping amateurs and seasoned wedding photographers from all over the globe with a wedding photo editing routine.

Starting from basic culling and proceeding with artistic wedding edits, we can bring tears to your clients’ eyes

Benefits of choosing WeEdit as your Wedding Photo Editing Company

Wedding demands almost a day of photography operation to capture every single move of the entire day. Besides all, the photography chores to wedding and other events don’t halts to the big day. The actual work begins after the photography shoot. It happens most of the times when even a professional photographer fails to output best photographs and the photos captured need to undergo editing to remove the imperfections and enhance the overall appeal of the photo. If you are looking for professional wedding portrait and event photo editing services to transform your ordinary shots look brilliant, we at Plexail are there to help you.

Our specialty lies in custom photo editing for weddings and events. By hiring our professional services and guarantee of quality-timely delivery, you can leave the drudgery of post-processing work to us and save hours for clicking thousands of more pictures instead. We are equipped with a professional team of talented photo retouching experts and digital artists with countable experience in the industry. All the photos will be worked upon multiple times until you are satisfied in your style as per your preferences and instructions.

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Wedding Basic Editing

Even the best captured wedding photos will need a little help to make it look perfect! A basic editing will eliminate unnecessary objects in the background, fix lighting problems, repair minor skin flaws, apply color correction and crop or resize photos according to certain specifications. Services applied for basic wedding photo editing includes:

Wedding Highend Editing

When ordering a highend retouching service for wedding photos, you can expect to have superior editing using advanced techniques. The process is usually more complex compared to basic editing. The results are typically according to the creative concepts of the photographer. What we do is to translate those concepts into action in order to produce professional-quality wedding photographs. Our highend wedding photo editing service includes:

The Bride

From getting ready down to the celebration afterwards, the bride deserves to have plenty of pictures. She should look stunning in every photo, it is her day after all. And it is only typical for her to be glammed up with the proper makeup and dresses on this very special occasion. She deserves to be photographed at her best most especially when showing off The Dress. The photographer must also reserve a moment to take the bridal portraits to capture the perfect shots, ready for post processing by a professional photo editing service.

The Groom

The other half of the bride will also be pampered on the day of the wedding. He must also be snapped and documented how he looks dapper and dashing. This is the time to work on those model poses that he rarely gets to show off. Our wedding photo editing service can highlight the charm of the groom in photographs.

Pre-Nuptial Photos

Aside from being used for the AVP at the reception and for the wedding teasers and invitations, pre-nuptial photos are also one of the most memorable ways to commemorate the wedding itself. It can be creatively done to display the unique style and personalities of the couple. We can emphasize emotion to any prenup photos with our photo editing services.

Ceremony Photos

Wedding albums will not be complete without some snaps of important moments from the wedding ceremony. A simple photo of the couple exchanging wedding rings while exchanging their vows is one of the sentimental moments during the ceremony. from the laughing to crying moments, let’s bring colors to your wedding ceremony photos with our photo editing services.

Reception Photos

With a lot of things going on, it can be difficult to remember everything that’s happening during the preparation up to the reception. As it is a celebration of life and happiness, photos are the only tangible proof of the time, energy, and heart that the couple placed in preparation of the special day. Photographers may take poor images during wedding reception due to bad lighting or undesirable exposure, however, we can fix it for you.

Highlight Wedding Detail

It is a must to take photos of the different wedding details, such as the clothes, shoes, accessories, flowers, the cake, wedding rings and everything else. You can truly appreciate all the details after the wedding with these photos. Our wedding photo editing service can help highlight special details on your wedding day. Such details should not be missed and requires careful attention.

Wedding Photo Culling

A service like this will assist you in selecting the top images from the mass of thousands of wed-images. After photo shooting events, if you’re under pressure to choose the most beautiful and meaningful wedding photos, you can use a wed-photo culling service. Here, we’re providing a quality service for photo culling. Send us your pics, and we’ll use them in Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to select the best ones until you’re happy.

Post-production For Wedding Photographs

You can use any photo editing service during post-production in wedding photography. But raw photos are never ideal. They require image manipulation and retouching to be extremely attractive and captivating. Adept Clipping Path (ACP) is offering a wide range of post-production services for wedding photo editing in photoshop.  This service is necessary for images used in products, travel, wedding, real estate, and other situations. So, contact ACP today for a free trial of up to 10 images.

Combined Photoshop Manipulation Of Wed-Photography

The creative process heavily influences wedding photos. It is known as image compositing when designers assemble various objects or photos to create a new image. It can be best if you frequently have a single banner or poster image containing various elements for your e-business needs. You can speak to us. Therefore, Adept Clipping Path will create a high-end Photoshop composite & manipulation it for you using the wedding photographs or objects you supply. This procedure also applies to tiny product images for e-commerce sectors. Please send us a quick request for a free trial!

Wedding Photo Album Design

A wedding is a special day in our lives, and everyone wishes to preserve happy memories in lovely wedding pictures. But your passionate and emotional wedding photographs can be damaged because of improper image preservation. To fix the issue, make a wedding photo album. We use Photoshop to build high-quality, lovely wedding albums using your fantastic wedding images. Our talented designers are proficient in it. Please send a message or email to us. We will solve your problems with no delay!

Wedding Photo Editing With Photoshop Lightroom

Our professional graphic designers use Photoshop Lightroom to correct images’ color, exposure, and lighting problems. It is employed for speedy color correction and photo editing. Adobe Lightroom is used for removing red-eye, photo culling, adjusting for over-and underexposure, noise reduction, spot removal, and many other tasks. We can provide quick Photoshop Lightroom editing services if you need high-quality wedding photography. Let us know today and claim the service!!

Changing & Removing Wed-Photo Background

At present, it’s one of the most demanding image editing/retouching services. You can use specifically this service for wedding photography or eCommerce products that need to have undesirable & unattractive backgrounds removed and new ones installed by customer requests. Depending on the situation, a white backdrop is requested and often used. Hence, Adept Clipping Path (ACP) offers high-quality backdrop removal and changing services for any wedding photo.