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360 Degree Photo Editing Service

Get your 360-degree product photos edited by us at the cheapest rate. It helps customers to see the product without seeing it physically.

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What is a 360-Degree photo editing service?

Sometimes it becomes necessary for an eCommerce business to showcase its products virtually from different angles to online consumers. And to show their products from different angles, they choose to use 360-degree rotating images. Therefore, the 360-degree product photographer has to take multiple photos of a product from different angles to combine them into one 360-degree rotating image. This process of combining the images of a product captured from different angles is known as 360-degree animation. To make this 360-degree animation, ensure the products are clean and the backgrounds are removed. That’s what we do with 360-degree photo editing services.

360-rotating or 360-spin images are an effective way to present a product online to consumers. They can be helpful to examine the product from every angle and see every edge closely, like holding that product in their hands. It creates a significant impact on them and increases the conversion rates faster. And if you want attractive images for your 360-degree animation, then outsourcing 360-degree photo editing services can be the best option!

Why need 360 product retouching services?

360 product retouching services are essential for several reasons, particularly in the e-commerce industry and product photography. These services involve enhancing and retouching images of products that will be displayed in a 360-degree view, allowing customers to interact with the product from all angles.

Why a 360 Photo Editing service is a must for E-Commerce

Enhanced Product Visualization: 360-degree product images allow customers to view a product from every angle. This interactive experience mimics the in-store shopping experience, helping customers make more informed purchase decisions. They can see details, textures, and features that static images might miss.

Increased Sales and Conversions: Studies have shown that interactive product images, such as 360-degree views, lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales. When customers can thoroughly inspect a product online, they are more likely to feel confident about their purchase.

Competitive Advantage: Offering 360-degree product images can give your e-commerce business a competitive edge. It sets you apart from competitors who only provide static images and can attract more customers to your site.

Brand Credibility: Providing detailed and interactive product images reflects positively on your brand’s credibility and transparency. Customers are more likely to trust a website that offers a comprehensive view of its products.

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Background Removal or Replacement

Background removal or replacement is a common image editing service offered by many companies, including WeEdit. This service involves the removal of the original background from a product image and replacing it with a different background or leaving it transparent. Background removal or replacement is particularly useful for e-commerce businesses and product photographers looking to create clean, professional, and consistent product images for their catalogs or websites.

Color Correction and Enhancement

It’s great to hear that WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including color correction and enhancement. These services are crucial for improving the overall quality and appeal of product images, especially for e-commerce businesses. Here’s how WeEdit’s color correction and enhancement services can benefit your 360 product images:

Clipping Path

If WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including a “Clipping Path” service, it means they offer a crucial service for isolating objects or products from their original backgrounds. Clipping paths are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses and product photographers who need precise and clean product images. Here’s how the “Clipping Path” service typically works:

Image Stitching

Image stitching is a crucial service for creating seamless and immersive 360-degree product images. If WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including “Image Stitching,” it means they can help you create a cohesive and interactive viewing experience for your products. Here’s how the “Image Stitching” service typically works:

HDR (High Dynamic Range) Editing

If WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including “HDR (High Dynamic Range) Editing,” it means they can help you create visually stunning product images with a balanced exposure and enhanced details. Here’s how the “HDR Editing” service typically works:

Retouching and Cleaning

If WeEdit offers 360 product retouching and cleaning services, it means they provide a valuable service for improving the overall quality and appearance of your product images in a 360-degree view. Here’s how the “Retouching and Cleaning” service typically works:

Texture and Detail Enhancement

If WeEdit offers 360 product retouching services, including “Texture and Detail Enhancement,” it means they can help enhance the finer textures and details of your product images, making them more visually appealing. Here’s how the “Texture and Detail Enhancement” service typically works:

360 product retouch Reflection Enhancement

If WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including “Reflection Enhancement,” it means they can help improve and optimize reflections on reflective surfaces in your 360-degree product images. 

Color Matching and Consistency

If WeEdit offers 360 product retouching services, including “Color Matching and Consistency,” it means they can ensure that all images in a set of 360-degree product images have consistent colors and tones. This is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and professional look across your product catalog. 

360-Degree Interactive Image Creation

If WeEdit offers 360 product retouching services that include “360-Degree Interactive Image Creation,” it means they can help you create immersive and interactive product images that allow users to rotate and explore products from all angles. 

Customization for E-commerce Platforms

If WeEdit offers 360 product retouching services with a focus on “Customization for E-commerce Platforms,” it indicates that they can tailor their retouching and image preparation to meet the specific requirements and guidelines of various e-commerce platforms. This service is essential for ensuring that your product images are optimized for display on platforms like Amazon, Shopify, eBay, and others. 

360 product retouch Noise Reduction

If WeEdit provides 360 product retouching services, including “Noise Reduction,” it means they can help improve the overall quality of your 360-degree product images by reducing digital noise or graininess. Noise reduction is particularly important when dealing with images captured in low-light conditions or with high ISO settings.

Expertise and Specialization

WeEdit specializes in 360 product retouching, which means they have the expertise and experience to handle the unique challenges and requirements of this type of photography. Their specialized knowledge can result in high-quality and visually appealing 360-degree product images.

Time Savings

Outsourcing to WeEdit can save you a significant amount of time. Editing 360-degree product images can be time-consuming, but by delegating this task to professionals, you can focus on other essential aspects of your business.

Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing can be cost-effective. Hiring in-house retouchers can be expensive due to salaries, benefits, and equipment costs. WeEdit may offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options, helping you manage your budget more effectively.


WeEdit can handle varying workloads, allowing you to scale your retouching needs up or down depending on the volume of products you have to process. This scalability can be particularly valuable during busy seasons or promotions.

Quality Control

Reputable retouching services, including WeEdit, often have quality control processes in place to ensure that the final images meet high-quality standards and client specifications.


You can collaborate with WeEdit on a project-by-project basis, which gives you flexibility and control over your retouching needs. You can outsource only when necessary without the commitment of a full-time team.